This lunchtime’s flashmob organised by the Open Rights Group in protest against the Digital Economy Bill drew a crowd of about 35-40 people. By far the politest protest I’ve ever seen, they mostly milled around outside the headquarters of UK Music wearing policeman’s hats for an hour, dropped off a mocked up ‘disconnection notice’ and went back to work. Obviously more numbers would have had a greater impact, but I thought it was actually a pretty good turnout, and didn’t deserved the cynical sub who changed the headline and standfirst on my write up for TechRadar after it had been initially published. Not a lot the writer can do about that though.
More impressively, the ORG has managed to raise £20,000 in just a few days to fund an advertising campaign encouraging MPs to stop the Bill being pushed through parliament before the election. People aren’t that apathetic, then.
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