The Kindle is ace for books

But nothing else. I’ve tried really hard to like the periodicals download, really I have. I’ve paid for the Independent, the Financial Times and the New Statesman, mainly because I’ve felt so guilty reading all their content online for free for so long. But I couldn’t quite put my finger on my reading magazine articles on a Kindle was so unsatisfying, especially when I absolutely devour books on the thing and by many more of them since I got a the device.

Now I realise what it is. Half of the joy of a magazine is browsing, in the same way that websites are more engrossing when their full of informative links. I’ve had the latest copy of the Staggers on my Kindle for over a week now, but if  it hadn’t been for someone linking to this amazing story by Hugh Grant (of all people) via Facebook, I’d have missed it. The Kindle actively pushes you away from index pages and article links and almost forces you to read in a linear fashion. Which is perfect for books, of course, but terrible for news articles.

Anyway – enough wibbling about the Kindle. Go read Hugh Grant’s bugging the buggers piece for a quite incredible piece of journalism and possibly the first honest thing that’s been written about phone hacking so far.

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