A new way to see London

The things you see when you take a different mode of transport…

Just a short post to thank everyone who sponsored me to take part in the LearnAsOne Founder’s Challenge yesterday, walking 26miles along the bank of the Thames and taking in 19 bridges along the way. While it may sound a bit weedy compared to, I don’t know, running the same distance, I was pretty astounded at how hard it was to walk that far in a day, with only one break, when you’re not really used to it. I can barely walk today, and the blisters are going to be there for weeks.

Not that I’m complaining. We covered less than two thirds the distance that Saviour and her friends cover in a week, just walking to school. Often they’ll do that barefoot and without water. Which makes me a giant pansy really.

The good news is that we raised about £600 in total, all of which will go towards the next classroom at Simakakata. There’s no admin costs involved with LearnAsOne – all the cash goes straight towards building materials for George. If you want to donate, you still can via my Just Giving page.

Many plasters were used in the process of this walk.

As a side point, I can also say that the walk was great fun. Not only were Steve and Claire excellent company, but as someone who mostly knows London via the underground network, I saw a lot of the city I’ve never seen before. Walking in from Richmond put a lot of the geography which I’m abstractly aware of into context for the first time. It was in turns surprising and beautiful, although it did leave me wondering who on Earth is buying apartments in all those super rich developments that are spreading out West. There’s clearly still a lot more money in the capital than people would have you believe.

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