Microlighting in Johannesburg, a set on Flickr.
So this was my Christmas present from Tamsin. Which I finally cashed in. Today. A microlight flight over the outskirts of Johannesburg/Centurion, in a pretty spectacular part of the farm belt.
Back in Brighton, we’d watched people doing some new hang-gliding/microlighting crossover thing off of Devil’s Dyke, and I mentioned I’d always fancied trying it. And now I have. Lovely.
Views were amazing, but the headwinds were pretty strong – which meant the whole ride was quite bouncy. Got some good pics though.
Also, I saw bees. Apparently, they’re kept to pollinate the maize fields, and the hives are usually moved the hives down to Cape Town this time of year for the winter crop down there (it’s too dry in Joburg to grow maize at the moment). Which seems like a long way to take bees for a holiday to me.