Category: LearnAsOne
Apparently, living overseas boosts creativity
Lovely night last night at Ross Atherton’s (editor of PC Gamer)…
The thatcherless years
Just time for one last bundle of thoughts before the plane…
School posters
Back at Simakakata today, and the funny thing is that my brain…
When the lights go out
Forget everything I said about Livingstone being civilisation… the 3G is…
Joining the Dead Aid debate
We’re back in Livingstone after a strangely uneventful bus ride, all…
The story so far
Most of the evenings here have been spent fighting a slow…
I promised myself…
That first day we got to the school I’d write up…
Touch down in Livingstone
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Busy times
The last couple of weeks have been utterly insane. As much…
Why education?
More updates at LearnAsOne. I spent a good portion of the…