Category: Journalism

  • This is the professional me

    Well, it’s one of my professional faces. There’s at least one other exciting project underway which I’ll be talking about soon on here, but in the meantime, here’s my new company website, AOE Media Ltd, as it’s otherwise known, is the company structure that I operate under and have done for nearly a year…

  • George, the headmaster

    Just as I was leaving, George asked if I could take a photo that he’d be able to hang on the wall as a permanent reminder of the school’s founder. He was embarrassed by the question, but it meant a lot to him. This is one of the set I came up with. Because there’s…

  • Filling station

    Filling station, originally uploaded by nisuspi. A few pics of MachaWorks up at Flickr. Will blog in detail about what I saw there soon, and upload some more (better) shots too. Currently there are still several hundred pics from Zambia I’ve not even had chance to look at…

  • How my wife started a nursery school in Zambia

    A chance encounter with an administrator from Care International today resulted in my wife opening a nursery for the people rural of Simakakata in Kalomo District, Southern Zambia. She doesn’t know about it yet, so let me explain. Today was my first day back at Simakakata Community School, finding out what’s changed over the year…

  • Returning to Kalomo

    There’s a long blog post coming on MachaWorks, which I visited yesterday, but today’s thoughts are all about Kalomo. The town is about 10km from Simakakata, and last time I visited was little more than a truck stop on the road from Lusaka to Livingstone. Even though it’s Sunday, and most of the shops are…

  • Why does the department of education advertise on Google?

    Flicking through some recent Hansard archives (10th Oct) and came across this curiousity: “Damian Hinds: To ask the Secretary of State for Education how much (a) his Department and (b) its predecessor spent on search engine biasing with (i) Google and (ii) other search engines in each of the last five years. [10014] “Tim Loughton:…

  • Duckrabbit on that photo

    I suspected this might be the true story behind the photo that graced the front pages of almost every picture in Britian the other day. Duckrabbit has gone off and found a wider angle shot of the protestor kicking in Conservative HQ windows, which I think tells the whole story here… a ring of photographers…

  • Europe as counterweight to tragedy of the commons

    I didn’t get chance to take any photos at the Ecodesign For Better Products meeting I went to yesterday, which is a shame, because some interesting things came out of it. A bit of background first – the EU Ecodesign Directive, which regulates the manufacture of ‘energy related’ products from a manufacturing perspective – is…

  • Linkage – How to make great stories come to you

    Another great write up of last week’s BFONG experiment, this time by the incomparable Adam Westbrook. Glad I read it, because he picked up on something I missed in Judith’s post – the idea of extending Empty Shops/journalism collaborations beyond hyperlocal experiments, and working with targetted communities instead. Can’t believe I didn’t make that association…

  • Speaking for many…