Category: Ubuntu

  • Doesn’t add up…

    Slashdot | Game Companies Face Hard Economic Choices. Then stop making games you can’t afford to sell… There are other ways you know.

  • Jaunty desktop

    This is the Eee now. Decided against a dock like AWN for a change, to try and keep things as low overhead as possible. The Ubuntu wallpaper will change, obviously…

  • WoW Europe

    So World of Warcraft is being passed over from Blizzard US to Blizzard Europe, according to this mail being received by players. We have a short but important announcement that we wanted to share with our players. World of Warcraft is currently an operation of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. (USA), but starting April 14, 2009, the…

  • More on Jaunty

    Still the same. 10 seconds to Grub, 20 to login, 20 to desktop. Probably needs a full reinstall when the final version goes live to clear out the custom ACPI scripts and stuff I played around with in the Alpha.

  • Jaunty beta out

    Excitingly, the beta for Ubuntu 9.04, aka the Jaunty Jackalope is out. I’m downloading it to my Eee 901 right now. I have high hopes that finally this is the distribution that will give me the boot time I had with the original Xandros, make all the function keys work, and still be a fully…