Category: Work stuff

  • Electric cars, solar powered plant

        Strange how little coverage this story got this week: Renault is planning on putting solar panels on the roof of its French factories and distribution centres that are capable of producing 60MW of  electricity a year. I’ve no idea how that compares to the company’s total power requirements (their stated aim is 20%…

  • Meta movie about Digital SLRs

        Nikon has done the logical thing to promote its newest SLR capable of recording broadcast quality HD movies. It’s filmed its latest D5100 advert using a D5100. Link’s via DPReview, be warned it stars Ashton Kutcher.

  • Is Googling a new journalist’s name fair?

    Curiously, I’ve read several articles recently by editors looking to employ journalists full time or freelance who’ve said that the first thing they do is search for the applicant’s name and ‘journalist’, and if they aren’t the first link that Google throws up, they’ll delete the application. It came up in the Guardian’s recent web…

  • It was too good to be true

    So basically, there’s a problem with one of the site plugins. There are quite a few, and you’ll have to bear with me while I go through them all one by one to find out the culprit. Firebug isn’t being much help at finding the small iframe that’s linking to a bad site, but I’ll…

  • Power cuts. Really?

    I wasn’t aware that power cuts even happen in the UK in the 21st Century – unless there’s been some major incident like a gale blowing over  pylons of course. I’m sure I remember arguing with an electric company call centre may years ago who told me they were virtually impossible even then. Clearly they…

  • All that glitters…

    Had better not be gold. Not a the price it’s currently commanding on the commodities market. $1340 an ounce? I could barely afford to redecorateDavid Cameron’s office in at that rate. Still, good news for those of us on more modest budgets. There’s plenty of research going on into gold alternatives for the electronics industry (link…

  • Chandra finds 30 year old black hole

    It may be fast approaching middle age, but NASA has found the youngest black hole in our galaxy, courtesy of the Chandra telescope. I remember the awkward feeling, 30 years old and still the youngest person in the room. Trust me SN1979C (for that is its name) it’s all downhill from here. In a few years’…

  • Specialise and innovate

    I’ve just returned from Avaya‘s partner conference in Barcelona*, the annual get together for the telecoms vendor and high ranking members of its EMEA supply chain. I don’t, as a general rule, go along to these things often as it’s a long time out of the office, and it’s rarer that I blog about them.…

  • Macrowikinomics: no Kindle edition yet

    My wife bought me a Kindle for our wedding anniversary. I was going to wait to buy an ereader until general purpose tablets got good enough/cheap enough, but it’s quickly turned into a vital posession that accompanies me everywhere. Even if I still have huge reservations about Amazon’s DRM, it’s ideal for catching up on…

  • Osborne’s mighty cahones

    It takes, you know, quite a pair to publish the most drastic cuts in government spending since the end of the Second World War, when demand for Spitfires and tanks fell through the floor, and suffix it with a table that basically says the poor will be hit hardest. But that’s just what happened today.…