Category: Work stuff

  • Crossing the line

    Like most freelance journalists these days, I do occasionally supplement my income by taking on copywriting jobs. I’ve worked, on and off, for several clients including Opal, ASUS, UK:Telco and others. It’s an ethical minefield, but I’m careful not to let it colour my judgement and make sure I offer full disclosure and avoid accepting…

  • 25 tips for Linux newbies

    I’m really enjoying writing the occasional list feature for TechRadar lately, giving me reason to jot down thoughts which I should by rights probably have published here long ago and just got too busy. The latest is a quick introduction to Linux which I hope covers most of the pain points for anyone thinking of…

  • More TechRadar article pimpage

    I’ve been really enjoying writing software round-ups for TechRadar recently – funny, mostly in that I avoided them like the proverbial plague when I was working on PCF and the like. Recently, though, I’ve become a lot more curious about the best online and offline clients for, you know, stuff. This is the latest one…

  • The Zopatrope

    I love this idea – Zopa – which facilitates direct loans between those who have money and those who want some without the intermediary of a bank. It’s a bit like a credit union for people who already have a credit rating, or Kiva for richer societies. They take a cut and you’re exposed to…

  • nivioCompanion reviewed

    Bizarrely, the Telegraph gave this cloud computing gadget 5/5. Here’s my thoughts on the nivioCompanion and what it means for cloud computing (not very much) over at The point of an operating system like Windows is that it allows applications to talk to the hardware. By throwing away the hardware but not the OS,…

  • AMD’s Richard Huddy on Google’s Chrome OS

    I’m just putting the final touches to a feature for PCFormat about DirectX 11 which is essentially a stitching together of two interviews, one from an AMD spokesperson and one from NVIDIA, about how the two companies see the new graphics API that’s coming with Windows 7 and what it means for both gaming graphics…

  • Has Twitter changed online video?

    The random thought for today is about online video. It’s been around for ages, obviously, but I’ve never been a fan. I can count the number of times I’ve visited YouTube’s homepage, rather than just following a link, on one hand, and have always been deeply skeptical of friends who go off to set up…

  • Good time to be a freelance?

    According to DWPub it is. They’re the company that serves up several gazillion press releases a day tailored by subject matter to an enormous database of journalists – kind of like Press Association but without the editorial middle man. It’s surveyed commissioning editors and reckons that almost one in five of them say between 50-75%…

  • Demigod interview

    Just finished off an interview with Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games on the subject of Demigod. I don’t do a huge amount of games writing these days, but this was a favour for James over at Gamerzines. It went Gold on Monday and is looking like a lot of fun – although a bit…

  • Saturday…

    I remember weekends. Those were the things before freelance and children, right? Still, couple of sort of interesting projects to pick at today. Number one is the first of a regular monthly column for the South African equivalent of PC World’s in store mag. It’s being published by a good friend of ours over there,…