Tag: Afghanistan

  • Aisha update

    Aisha – the young women whose nose was hacked off by the Taliban who agreed to be photographed for a controversial Time magazine cover earlier in the year – has been given an Enduring Heart award in LA by the Governator’s wife, Mary Shriver. Aisha was wearing a prosthetic for the event, as she’s apparently…

  • Afghans in London: A wasted resource?

    Today was my second visit to see Dr Nasimi, who runs the Afghan and Central Asian Association in New Cross Gate. He’s an interesting individual, he arrived in the UK in the 90s, gained his doctorate in politics and now dedicates his time to a community group for imigrant Afghans – many of whom are…

  • Living with the Taliban

    Brilliant piece of filming on Channel 4 new tonight: Living with the Taliban on the Afghan frontline. The incredibly brave, possibly suicidal Norwegian cameraman is one of the only Western journalists to have managed to ’embed’ themselves with the Taliban, and the resulting piece is one of the most insightful pieces of TV about the…

  • Time-ly propaganda?

    Something curious has been going on around here lately. This blog is very low traffic – it’s a dumping ground for thoughts and occassionally stories which I don’t think have been covered elsewhere, and not intended to generate massive numbers of hits. So why has a small  story I posted months ago about one of…