Tag: Apple

  • Yes, that’s clearly how it was

    Except for the lightsabres, maybe.

  • Irony of the App Store

    I’ve figured out what’s been bugging me about the iPhone App Store (apart from all the platform restrictions and draconian approval process, that is. I mean, come on, we could have cool AR apps by now but someone won’t let us.). Like most people, using the App Store has been an absolute revelation in terms…

  • Oh it is lovely, but…

    So I went ahead and got me an iPhone. And I’m just childish enough to want to test out the blogging software for it. Pretty good actually, even if I am still having a few problems with the keyboard. You can’t tell, because the auto correct is doing a fine job, although it gets confused…

  • Saturday…

    I remember weekends. Those were the things before freelance and children, right? Still, couple of sort of interesting projects to pick at today. Number one is the first of a regular monthly column for the South African equivalent of PC World’s in store mag. It’s being published by a good friend of ours over there,…