Oh it is lovely, but…
So I went ahead and got me an iPhone. And I’m just childish enough to want to test out the blogging software for it. Pretty good actually, even if I am still having a few problems with the keyboard. You can’t tell, because the auto correct is doing a fine job, although it gets confused…
Boot problem finally fixed
For months now I’ve had an annoying problem with Ubuntu. It boots to Gnome login in less than 30 seconds, but then pauses for a long time before showing the desktop. Through tweaking and fixing I’ve got this down to something reasonable – another 30-40 seconds, but it’s still too long. I’d narrowed the problem…
Also worth mentioning
Update on the Eee 901. I reinstalled Jaunty completely, as the ACPI scripts I’d been using stopped working, and the boot time slowed after an update to the beta package. Now I’ve installed the 2.6.29 kernel on it (which gives you Bluetooth on/off), AWN’s dock and the same ACPI scripts by Elmurato. Everything is working…
Jaunty is go…
Finally plucked up the courage to upgrade my main machine to Jaunty and it was an absolutely painless process. Even VMWare is working fine after the kernel upgrade, and that’s the first time that’s ever happened. I still get a 20-30 pause between the gnome login screen and the desktop appearing though. Something that’s been…
Jaunty desktop
This is the Eee now. Decided against a dock like AWN for a change, to try and keep things as low overhead as possible. The Ubuntu wallpaper will change, obviously…
Jaunty beta out
Excitingly, the beta for Ubuntu 9.04, aka the Jaunty Jackalope is out. I’m downloading it to my Eee 901 right now. I have high hopes that finally this is the distribution that will give me the boot time I had with the original Xandros, make all the function keys work, and still be a fully…