Tag: LearnAsOne

  • Calling Zambia

    I’ve got a call booked with George at Simakakata school for first thing tomorrow morning. The subject – my impending return to the country. Looking forward to that a lot.

  • Playtime at Simakakata

    Not many of the kids at Simakakata could speak English, even though it’s the Zambia’s official lingua franca. The language of tomfoolery is universal though. This very quickly became a favourite playtime game.

  • An interview with George

    I had a lovely conversation with George, the headmaster from Simakakata, last week about the progress made on the school there. It only took five calls and two international providers to get a clear line, but when we did manage to talk, he filled me in on a lot of things that have been going…

  • First classroom fully funded!

    A long and difficult day travelling down to Shoreham in the rain was broken up by a bit of good news from Steve, the founder of LearnAsOne who I accompanied to Zambia back in May. Thanks to some fantastic work involving cake sales, sponsored walks and skydiving, amongst other stuff, he’s now just £130 £35…

  • Guardian International Development Competition

    You can’t teach a thirsty child | International development journalism competition | guardian.co.uk. There you have it – confirmation that I’m through to the final 16 in the Guardian International Development Competition with an article based on May’s trip to Zambia with LearnAsOne. The competition is run in association with a load of NGOs and…

  • Has Twitter changed online video?

    The random thought for today is about online video. It’s been around for ages, obviously, but I’ve never been a fan. I can count the number of times I’ve visited YouTube’s homepage, rather than just following a link, on one hand, and have always been deeply skeptical of friends who go off to set up…

  • George’s story

    Apologies for the lack of posting lately – I’ve been pretty much off for a week with some odd throat infection. I’ve finally managed to get part of George’s story up on LearnAsOne though, which I’m incredibly happy with. He’s literally one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met: I wouldn’t be surprised if…

  • New donations page up

    Still busy catching up on work, but finally managed to do something useful for LearnAsOne to follow up on the Zambia trip. Steve’s sorted out a project page on the meta-charity site GlobalGiving in time for its UK launch. The site has been a huge success in the US – it works the same way…

  • Right, finally got round to uploading most of my Zambia pics to Flickr. Didn’t actually take that many (and even less that are any good) because we had the amazing Brenda with us for that. Mostly, I was busy taking notes and writing.

  • Apparently, living overseas boosts creativity

    Lovely night last night at Ross Atherton’s (editor of PC Gamer) leaving party. He’s off to do exciting things in Paris. As it was also the first time I’d met up with Bath people since getting back from Zambia, obviously there were lots of questions about how it all went. Mostly the evening was spent…