Tag: Personal bits

  • Am working on…

    Several features which I’m really enjoying. Unusually so. Also, all at nicely oblique angles to the day-to-day stuff which keeps me in toast and butter. Will link to them in due course. Also, birds. They aren’t completely random. I took Tabby to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust in Arundel at the weekend. She loved it.

  • Sky launches new arts fund

    There’s a bit of an exclusive over at Dan’s blog, artistsandmakers.com. Apparently the Sky Arts channel is going to start giving out bursaries to artists and projects. What sort of art will Murdoch sponsor, I wonder.

  • Crime doesn’t pay (but honesty will get you mocked)

    The conductor on the train back from London today didn’t come round to check tickets until just before Hove. Two stops before home. As the train pulled into Hove station, I was still fumbling in my coat pockets trying to find my ticket – always a suspicious sign to an experienced conductor I’m sure. As…

  • Living with the Taliban

    Brilliant piece of filming on Channel 4 new tonight: Living with the Taliban on the Afghan frontline. The incredibly brave, possibly suicidal Norwegian cameraman is one of the only Western journalists to have managed to ’embed’ themselves with the Taliban, and the resulting piece is one of the most insightful pieces of TV about the…

  • Time-ly propaganda?

    Something curious has been going on around here lately. This blog is very low traffic – it’s a dumping ground for thoughts and occassionally stories which I don’t think have been covered elsewhere, and not intended to generate massive numbers of hits. So why has a small  story I posted months ago about one of…

  • Missing boy found with help from Twitter

    Anyone still in two minds about the power of social media? There’s been an incredible example Twitter goodness in Brighton/Worthing tonight. Local artist, Dan Thompson, asked followers to look for 13-year-old Aaron, who’d been missing since yesterday evening. He posted a description and a photograph from Twitpic. Dan’s a popular character, with hundreds of followers…

  • BLDGBLOG: Offshore Oil Strike for All the Family

    Amazingly timely discovery over at Bldgblg: the BP sponsored game Offshore Oil Strike. The whole find is beautifully documented – go read.

  • Cellphone microscopes to go on trial in Africa

    Yesterday Engadget carried a link about attaching an SLR-lens to an iPhone 4, but this is even cooler. An internally illuminated microscope that sticks over any cellphone camera. According to Wireless Design Online, it’s been designed at UCLA with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and is being used in field trials somewhere…

  • Torture fails to make headlines

    I’ve been aware of Craig Murray‘s blog for a while now, but started reading it religiously as a result of some of his comments on Kyrgyzstan’s recent troubles. He’s incredibly knowledgeable about that part of the world, having worked as British Ambassador to Uzbekistan. His conflict with the government about its refusal to recognise human…

  • Gates pledges $1.5bn to maternal health

    Melinda Gates is on stage at the Women Deliver conference now pledging $500,000 a year to the cause of family planning, maternal health and women’s education on behalf of the Gates Foundation. “It is not that the world doesn’t know how to save the 350,000 mothers and 3 million newborns who die every year,” she’s…