The best we can do?
Just been reading the daily World Health Organisation report on the situation in Kyrgyzstan, which lists a breakdown of NGO and official channel activity in the Osh/Jalalabad area as well as ongoing need. It’s a clinical document which hardly conveys the horror on the ground that’s being reported, and reads as though the Red Crescent…
Sex, drugs and Kyrgyzstan
Just doing the final bits of research before I head off today, and a few things struck me about this article, Women Are a Hidden Population of Drug Users. First of all, I was under the impression that drugs were rare in Kyrgyzstan thanks to its strict laws on the subject – which I’d understood…
This year we’re all going to sunny… Kyrgyzstan
Today I found out where the Guardian will be sending me for the final part of the International Development Competition, and which NGO I’ll be visiting. It’s been quite an interesting day, just to see inside the Guardian’s offices, which the paper has occupied for a year, was intriguing enough. If you’re curious, they’re open…