Tag: TechRadar

  • 25 tips for Linux newbies

    I’m really enjoying writing the occasional list feature for TechRadar lately, giving me reason to jot down thoughts which I should by rights probably have published here long ago and just got too busy. The latest is a quick introduction to Linux which I hope covers most of the pain points for anyone thinking of…

  • More TechRadar article pimpage

    I’ve been really enjoying writing software round-ups for TechRadar recently – funny, mostly in that I avoided them like the proverbial plague when I was working on PCF and the like. Recently, though, I’ve become a lot more curious about the best online and offline clients for, you know, stuff. This is the latest one…

  • More software recommendations

    While I’m on the subject, I’ll pimp this article at TechRadar: Seven programs for protecting your passwords. Can’t recommend LastPass highly enough if you want to avoid the perils that caught out Twitter. Scared by the news that sensitive information from within Twitter was obtained not by hacking code but by some relatively straightforward detective…

  • Has Twitter changed online video?

    The random thought for today is about online video. It’s been around for ages, obviously, but I’ve never been a fan. I can count the number of times I’ve visited YouTube’s homepage, rather than just following a link, on one hand, and have always been deeply skeptical of friends who go off to set up…